Has Your Existence Been Shaken?

Have you yet had a moment when something you knew from personal experience, a long-known concrete memory of your own, turned out to not be true? Have you experienced when an event you clearly remembered proved not to have happened?

When you identify with what you think you know, then it shakes you up to discover that what you knew could never have been true. If you are what you know, then when what you know is wrong, what are you then?

When you identify yourself with what you think you know, then you live in false existence.

Practice Not-Knowing.

Creativity requires destruction

If you make a painting, you destroy the blank canvass, the items used to make the pigment and the paint, the hair for the brush, and so on. If you carve you destroy the block. Make music, destroy the silence, Any rearrangement of existence destroys the previous existence.

It’s like weeds and flowers. You choose which is desirable, and call the undesired plant a weed. When material is rearranged, you call the undesired arrangement “destruction,” while you call the desired rearrangement “creativity.”

There is no creation without destruction.